SSEDS After School

Important Dates and Reminders


The After School Program consists of two parts, Aftercare and Enrichment Classes.


Aftercare. Aftercare is a safe and loving place for supervised indoor/outdoor play and time to work on homework independently. Aftercare is available to all SSEDS students. Aftercare closes at 5:00 PM. Aftercare is not offered on Early Release days.


Aftercare Options:

  1. Monthly package for every full school day within the selected month at a discounted rate. Registration required.

  2. A specific day-of-the-week package at a discounted rate. This package runs January - June. Registration required.

  3. Drop-in service. This is charged at $25 per day, billed monthly. No need to register. Email your child’s homeroom teacher before 1:30 PM and let them know your child is staying for Aftercare.

    *Aftercare closes at 5:00 PM. Students picked up after 5:00 PM are charged $10 for every 15 minutes.

Enrichment Classes: Enrichment courses offer students the opportunity to explore and develop various new interests. It is available to all students in JK-Grade 5.

The Winter/Spring Enrichment Registration will open on December 17 at NOON - two class limit per student.

Unlimited Registration - no cap: December 18 at NOON.

Pre-registration is open from December 9 - 16. Pre-registration allows you to place your desired classes on hold but does not guarantee placement. It only expedites checking out when registration opens on December 16 at NOON. Pre-registration closes at the end of the day on December 16.

All Enrichment classes start the week of January 20.

*Use the appropriate tabs to the right of the Home tab to explore the Enrichment and Aftercare offerings.

*Please read the following section on Creating an Account.

Creating an Account

Are you considered an "Already a User" or a "New User"?

Families who used this system anytime during their child’s enrollment at SSEDS: If you registered your child for after school any academic year, you are considered  "Already a User". If you forgot your password, press the "Forgot your Password" button. If you have an additional child who joined the school after that time, you may add that child after you select classes for your first child. Before checking out use the green button on the upper right side that says "Select classes for New Participant".

New Families and/or Returning Families that did not participate in Afterschool and have NEVER used this system: If you have never used this system, or are a NEW family to SSEDS, you are considered a "New User". Please note that if you have more than one child, each registration is done separately. Select classes for the first child, then you may go back and select classes for your second child.